captifyContent - beautiful captions - Joomla Extensions - Free Joomla Extensions | Joomlabamboo


a free Joomla 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.0 image gallery module for captions - Free extension


captifyContentThe captifyContent module is a slick new way to display the images attached to your Joomla sections, Joomla categories, Joomla content, k2 Categories or K2 content items on your Joomla site in a grid based layout. The module resizes the image that you have assigned to the section, category, content or K2 item, lays it out in a simple grid.

Captify Content J1.5Captify Content J2.5 / 3.0



The grid function in the Zentools module has been designed to replace most of the functionality found in the Captify Content module.

The Zentools module is a swiss army knife approach to Joomla modules. You can create an awesome array of flexible layouts using the Zentools module.

Find out more now


CaptifyContent Examples




Joomla 1.5 / Joomla 2.5

Supports K2 2.5+ (K2 version 2.6.1 is NOT supported)

JB Library plugin or the Zen Grid Framework plugin is required for this extension.

More demos
For more demonstrations please view captifyContent in action in our Grid template.


  • Automatically resizes images to your settings
  • Uses the content title as a caption
  • Ignores any items that don't have an image assigned
  • Has beautiful rollover effects
  • Can link directly to the content


You can find more information for the Captify Content module on the Joomlabamboo knowledgebase.

Happy Campers