And the winners are ...


A little over a week ago I announced that I was giving away two invites to Dribbble and I got a fantastic response.

It was tough making the choice ... So without further ado, the winners are ...

Updated. Looks like I was a little slow and both Alex and Florian have picked up invites already.

Erico Lisboa


I love the simplicity of Erico's work.

Matthew Sell


I was particularly taken by Matthews courtroom sketches. I think they will add an interesting flavour to Dribbble.

Alex Falcone - Special Mention

I loved Alex's unique style. Alex would have received an invite had she not already received one.


Florian Kiene - Special Mention

Special mention to Florian who would have received the invite - but he has already been invited :)


Thanks to everyone who entered. It was lots of fun looking through your portfolios. Would love to have been able to give away an invite to all of you.