
Installing a new language in Joomla 3 is much easier than changing languages in Joomla 2.5. This is because of the new Install Accredited Language Translations tool, which allows you to install new languages without manually needing to find and download them from other sites on the web.

To install and change languages in Joomla 3.0

  1. There are two ways to reach the Install Accredited Language Translations tool

a. The first way to reach it is to click on the Extension Manager menu item.

select extension manager tab

Then click on the Install Language link on the left side of the Extension Manager page.

install languages extension manager

b. The second way is to reach it by clicking on the Language Manager menu item.

joomla3 language manager

Then click on the Install Language button in the Joomla toolbar.

installed languages on site

install french lanaguage Joomla3

  1. You should see a similar message if the language has been installed correctly.

french language installed

  1. All you have to do for now is to set this new language as the default one for the Frontend of the website so your visitors can see Joomla page elements and messages in that new language

set language as default

Frontend of the website

Load a frontend of the website and check if you can see your new language applied to the page elements

front end view Joomla3 website

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