Ecommerce Joomla template for May
19 Apr 2010 - Written by Anthony Olsen
Posted in Joomla Templates
It's been some time since we released a Joomla template specifically focussed around a shop / ecommerce solution but with the release of Tienda from the fine folk over at Dioscouri design we thought it was about time. Im really excited by the possibilities of creating a solid, easily managed and themeable shop component and our early exploration of the Tienda code appears to suggest that Tienda is certainly going to tick all of the boxes when it comes to Joomla commerce.
The Shopfront template is also going to be a clean, minimal and earthy offering ready for you to add your own flavour via the new Zen Grid framework. Along with a complete Tienda template, Shopfront will also sport a K2 theme and if time permits it will also have a FlexiContent and Jomsocial theme too. Check out the screenshot below.