Introducing Powerplay
22 Nov 2010 - Written by Anthony Olsen
Posted in Joomla Templates
Im happy to announce (finally!) the release of our November Joomla template called Powerplay. Powerplay is a business minded template that is built on version 1.1 of the Zen Grid Framework. We are in the process of moving all current framework themes to the latest version of the framework and when that happens Ill let you know about it's official release.
For now you can see the Powerplay in action, scour the documentation, get an overview of the features or go directly to download it. Ill be updating via the blog as we update extensions, templates and the framework with the new features and functionality that I think you will all love.
I'd also like to remind members of our policy of honouring template delivery if we release a template late. So if your subscription expired between the first and the 24th of November and you didn't get a chance to download Powerplay, please contact us via the contact form and we will extend the term of the subscription for you.